Phantom Forces Wiki

so uh hi

now, as you may probably be able to observe, lots of people show hate to BFG-50 users. most people think it is "bad". most think it is "scummy".

hold up, how can a gun be so incredibly bad and so incredibly useless, whil at the same time making people mad when they die to it? let's look at some of the more "overpowered" weapons. most notably the M60. it sports insane damage and suppression, and is insanely hard to fight head-on. people have a reason to feel scummy when killed by it repeatedly, and that is because it is statistically stronger than most other weapons. I'm not saying to go hate on M60 users, im saying that even though it is wrong, at least it is a more valid reason than hating on a gun that you simultaneously think is "bad" or "trash". get killed by a m9, you're like, "haha lol how did i die to a freaking m9", get killed by a BFG you're like "BRO WHAT THE HECK STOP USING THE BFG BRO" then proceeds to initiate a votekick.

alright, enough with ranting about disrespect towards BFG users. why do people like the BFG? simple answer: because of the insane penetration depth and the 1-shot capability everywhere. but people who are not high enough rank to enjoy other 1-shot snipers stick with the BFG as thier only "fun" gun. I can personally speak on behalf of all (maybe not all) sniper mains, that it is so incredibly painful to get a hit-marker, only to lose a kill. so some people switch to the BFG-50, sacrificing higher potential kills per minute for almost 100% that each bullet will get you a kill. some people prebuy the BFG-50, and that's ok. prebuying a gun shouldn't make it any more annoying. if Stylis Studios suddenly made the gun you main a rank 1000000 unlock, it doesn't make you worse than before for using that gun. 

basically the point of this poist is to get people to stop it with all the BFG-50 stereotypes, and remember what if you're a rank 37 noob (like me) its completely ok to prebuy the BFG and enjoy it. don't let other players influence how you want to play the game, and report people who are abusing the votekick system (such as in the instance when you are votekicked for simply using the BFG-50).
